Wednesday, March 29, 2017

[Solved] How to access the information in /ar_pose_marker topic?

Image result for ar_pose_marker

In ROS, using ar_pose package in ar_tools, many wanted to access the info of AR_Markers position and its orientation by subscribing to the topic published by launching the file in ar_pose, which is /ar_pose_marker. Below is an example to access the data present in the topic.

void chatterCallback(const ar_pose::ARMarkers::ConstPtr& msg)
 ar_pose::ARMarker ar_marker;
 if (!msg->markers.empty())
  ar_marker = msg->markers[0];
  ROS_INFO("X : [%f] ", ar_marker.pose.pose.position.x);
  ROS_INFO("Y : [%f] ", ar_marker.pose.pose.position.y);
  ROS_INFO("Z : [%f] ", ar_marker.pose.pose.position.z); 